Due to the threat of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, AACC’s Board of Directors has made a pivotal decision: the 2020 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo will be held entirely as a virtual event, rather than a live meeting in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The meeting will still occur from December 13-17, 2020, so please continue to hold those dates on your calendar.
We are excited by this opportunity to reimagine AACC’s flagship scientific conference and expo on an innovative digital platform built for learning, collaboration, networking and technology exploration. We are committed to delivering a meeting experience comparable in value and impact to our typical face-to-face conference and expo. Most importantly, a virtual meeting ensures the safety of our global audience while providing greater accessibility and flexibility for our attendees to consume world-class scientific content in the way that is most convenient for them.

#aacc2020 #virtualcongress #virtualmeeting #chicago #USA
#RheoMeditech #Rheoscan #Anysis #RheoESR #medicaldevice #ivd #korea